Face and Neck SkinPen Microneedling

60 mins

Your RG Spa experience artist will assess your skin and determine the proper needle depth for each region of your face. Numbing cream is applied, and you can rest on our cozy heated bed while the cream activates. Once your skin is numbed, the treatment will begin, covering your entire face and neck area with gentle strokes of the Needling wand. If you want more information on Microneedling, please read the FAQ below or read our blog.

Face, Neck and Decolette SkinPen Microneedling

75 mins

This treatment is the same as above, except that the rest of your lower neck and decolette, or fancy word for upper chest and collar bone area will also be treated during the session.

Hands Add-On

10 mins

Our hands age, sometimes more than the rest of us due to sun exposure and frankly, neglect! This treatment can help rejuvenate the skin on your hands and deal with discolouration and wrinkles.

12x12 Scar or Stretchmark Microneedling

This is a stand-alone booking to use Microneedling to treat your scar or stretchmarks. Surgical? C-Section? Marked reduction in redness, elevation and overall scarring is possible. Multiple treatments may be required depending on the scar. This can also be booked as an add-on to face treatments through the BLUE BOOK NOW button that directs you to our Phorest site.

It’s best to go to the experts here. How it Works, in 3 steps, directly from SkinPen.com:

  1. Inflammation SkinPen’s microneedles pierce the skin, triggering your immune system to disinfect the wounds, remove debris, increase blood flow, and begin to create new tissue.
  2. Proliferation The micro-wounds created by SkinPen are rebuilt with new granulation cells that include collagen proteins. Additionally, a new network of blood vessels develops.
  3. Remodeling The wound is replaced with new dermal tissues and blood vessels which are comprised of rich collagen and elastin proteins. These proteins improve skin youthfulness.”

Many people will notice a fresher complexion and improved texture after the first treatment. Fine lines, wrinkles, skin tightening and acne scarring may take multiple treatments, depending on how advanced they are.  The recommended prescription of care is one treatment per month, for 3 sessions. Introducing a Hydrafacial in between each session amplifies the effects.  This is why we sell these in a package of three for those who wish to fully commit, which we recommend.

SkinPen microneedling stands out as a premier choice for skin rejuvenation because of its advanced technology and remarkable results, which is why we specifically chose it for RG Spa. What sets SkinPen apart from other microneedling devices is its precision and safety- in fact it is the first FDA approved microneedling device. SkinPen utilizes a patented MicroNeedling technology that ensures the most controlled and consistent treatment possible, minimizing the risk of damage to the skin. This innovative device also boasts adjustable needle depth, allowing for a customized approach to address specific skin concerns, from fine lines to acne scars. Additionally, SkinPen’s disposable cartridges prioritize hygiene and reduce the risk of infection, making it an exceptionally safe and effective choice for all skin types. With SkinPen microneedling at RG Spa, you can trust in the ultimate care and expertise to achieve radiant, youthful, and healthy skin.

Finally, just listen to the numbers- one session of other microneedling devices deliver 25,000 tiny holes into your skin to stimulate the collagen growth and effects. With SkinPen microneedling, that number is an astounding 3,000,000. A remarkable difference that you will notice in your skin.

Immediately after the treatment, your skin will be red and likely patchy looking. We wouldn’t plan an event or dinner that evening, frankly.  It often feels tight, itchy or like a wind-burn. Within 8 hours the redness is often greatly subsided, and for most people, the next morning, their skin is back to normal coloration. It is important to follow the post-care instructions for the first 72 hours.

It is completely normal be quite red and patchy and to feel tight, dry and “spicy” for one to three days. Dryness and flaking may occur too.


  • For 24 hours, ONLY use the LIFT GEL (all white tube) that you were given in the box. Apply with CLEAN HANDS. Use the whole tube.
  • DO NOT WASH YOUR FACE TONIGHT. After 18 hours you can use tepid water and a mild cleanser.
  • AVOID HEAT AND STEAM for 24 hours including showers, dish washers and over hot cooking (order in!)
  • Use a CLEAN PILLOW CASE tonight. This is very important. Also AVOID SLEEPING WITH PETS TONIGHT.
  • Avoid SUN EXPOSURE for at least 24 hours. Remember inside your home in a bright window you are still exposed to UV rays.


  • Mild cleanser and tepid water
  • Apply the second GEL in the BLUE tube
  • You may apply make-up and sunscreen 24 hours after the treatment, but mineral based is best within the first 48 hours
  • USE CLEAN MAKE UP BRUSHES (always best)

DAY 3 (72 hours)

  • Resume vigorous exercise. (Or don’t, we won’t judge you!)
  • Resume the use of your active skin care products IF the inflammation and redness has subsided.
  • AVOID harsh exfoliants for at least one week

Book your luxurious RG Spa experience now!